2025年2月5日 星期三

【Puti-AI 雲端題庫自學機V2】:測驗、複習、刷題、自學的好工具!🚀

各位老師、同學們大家好!今天要跟大家分享一個我最近開發的新工具 —— Puti-AI 雲端題庫自學機V2。身為一個教了20幾年書的老師,我深知複習考試是多麼痛苦的事情,所以這次特別打造了這個超強輔助工具!🎯

## 這是什麼神奇的工具?🤔


## 超強功能大公開!✨

1. **一鍵生題**:把文章丟進去,馬上就能產生題目,比人工出題快100倍!🏃‍♂️(還是要看題目數量啦)

2. **雲端同步**:題庫直接存在Google雲端,走到哪裡學到哪裡,再也不怕資料不見了!☁️

3. **智能解析**:每題都有詳細解說,就像有個專屬家教在旁邊指導!👨‍🏫

4. **錯題複習**:答錯的題目自動記錄,方便之後重點複習,學習超有效率!📝

5. **支援JSON**:進階使用者可以自己準備題庫(建議用AI生成),完全客製化!🛠️


  1. 選擇學習文件:從下拉選單中選擇要練習的文件
  2. 設定題數:選擇想要練習的題目數量
  3. 開始測驗:點擊「開始測驗」按鈕生成題目
  4. 作答:選擇每題的答案
  5. 提交:完成作答後點擊「提交答案」
  6. 查看結果:系統會顯示得分和詳細解答


Puti-AI 雲端題庫自學機是一個智能學習工具,可以:

  • 自動將文本轉換成選擇題
  • 支援雲端文件讀取
  • 提供即時評分和詳細解答
  • 記錄錯題供後續複習


  1. 準備題庫文件:
    • 將要練習的文本內容存成 .txt 檔案
    • 上傳到已設定的 Google Drive 資料夾中
  2. 選擇學習文件:從下拉選單中選擇要練習的文件
  3. 設定題數:選擇想要練習的題目數量
  4. 開始測驗:點擊「開始測驗」按鈕生成題目
  5. 作答:選擇每題的答案
  6. 提交:完成作答後點擊「提交答案」
  7. 查看結果:系統會顯示得分和詳細解答


  • 錯題複習:系統會記錄答錯的題目,可以通過「錯題複習」按鈕重新練習
  • 清除錯題:可以清除已儲存的錯題記錄
  • 支援兩種格式:
    • 純文本:系統會自動生成題目
    • JSON格式:可以使用預先準備的題庫(詳見下方說明)

JSON 題庫格式說明

如果要使用預先準備好的題目,請按照以下格式製作 JSON 檔案:

"questions": [
    "question": "題目內容",
    "options": [
      "A. 選項1",
      "B. 選項2",
      "C. 選項3",
      "D. 選項4"
    "correctAnswer": 0,
    "explanation": "答案解釋"


  • correctAnswer 使用數字:0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D
  • 選項必須包含 "A. "、"B. "、"C. "、"D. " 的前綴
  • 每題必須包含四個選項
  • 每題都要有 explanation(答案解釋)

#教育科技 #AI教學 #自主學習 #題庫系統 #教學創新




更多 Puti-AI教學工具: https://padlet.com/clongwh/puti_ai_tools



English Version:

# Puti-AI Cloud Quiz System V2: Making Learning Fun! 🚀

Hello teachers and students! Today I'm excited to share a new tool I recently developed - Puti-AI Cloud Quiz System V2. As a teacher with over 20 years of experience, I know how painful exam revision can be, so I created this super helpful tool! 🎯

## What's This Amazing Tool? 🤔

Simply put, it's an AI assistant that automatically converts any learning material into multiple-choice questions. Whether it's textbooks, handouts, or your own notes, everything can be turned into questions! And these aren't just ordinary questions - they're carefully crafted by AI with detailed explanations for each answer. 💡

## Awesome Features! ✨

1. **One-Click Generation**: Upload your text and get questions instantly, 100 times faster than manual creation! 🏃‍♂️

2. **Cloud Sync**: Store your question banks in Google Drive, learn anywhere, anytime! ☁️

3. **Smart Analysis**: Each question comes with detailed explanations, like having a personal tutor! 👨‍🏫

4. **Wrong Answer Review**: Automatically records incorrect answers for focused revision! 📝

5. **JSON Support**: Advanced users can prepare their own question banks for complete customization! 🛠️

## Super Easy to Use! 🌈

1. Get your Google Gemini API Key (free registration!)

2. Create a question bank folder in Google Drive (remember to enable sharing)

3. Upload your study materials to the folder

4. Select the file, set the number of questions, and start practicing!

## Why Use This Tool? 🎁

Remember the old days of exam preparation - endless note-taking and textbook reading? Not anymore! Just upload your content, and AI will generate quality questions that are neither too easy nor too difficult. Best of all, you get instant answers and explanations, making learning super effective! 😊

This tool is completely free to share and use. Just remember, it's a teacher's labor of love - please no commercial use or copyright infringement! ❤️

#EdTech #AITeaching #SelfLearning #QuizSystem #TeachingInnovation

